Using Mindfulness to Deal With the Tough Stuff

I’ve seen a lot of posts advocating the importance of being positive as we navigate life in the time of Corona, but something I’ve been wondering is: why are we so quick to try and squash difficult feelings and thoughts? They are a part of the human experience and are a healthy, valid response to what’s going on.

Over the last few weeks, I’ve had feelings of sadness, anxiety, worry, stress, confusion and - caps locks for emphasis - THAT’S OK. I’ve also had moments of joy, gratitude and happiness, but overall, I’ve felt emotionally heavy and energetically drained. 

Here’s the thing: applying mindfulness to our emotional states is not about positivity or forcing positive thoughts - in fact, that’s not mindful at all. Mindfulness is not positivity. Let me say that again: mindfulness is not positivity.

Being mindful is about being aware of what’s going on for you right now - emotionally, mentally and physically - and being ok with where you’re at in the present moment.

It’s healthy to sit with difficult emotions and thoughts; to feel them, explore them and understand them without allowing them to defeat us.

It’s a strange, uncertain time for all of us and we are all impacted in different ways.

Overnight, homes became offices, lounge rooms became boardrooms, cities became ghost towns and customer-facing businesses began closing their doors. We went from hugs and handshakes to foot taps and physical distancing to self-isolating.

Some people have already lost their jobs, businesses or income. Those that are self-employed or who run their own businesses have no choice but to innovate, pivot and adapt to keep their businesses afloat, their livelihoods safe and staff employed.

For some (and I’d argue, the privileged), it’s a welcome opportunity to work from home and invest in upskilling, reading and creating. That’s great, but that is not everyone’s reality - please remember that and show empathy. For some, working from home isn’t an option; some people are struggling to hang onto jobs, or have already lost them and are focused on trying to survive and meet their basic needs.

We are all navigating life with new and unfamiliar stressors that have a real-life impact. The next few months will continue to challenge us in ways we might not be able to comprehend right now. So, perhaps the next time you catch yourself feeling down about the current state of things, remind yourself of this:

  • You are human.

  • It’s ok to feel difficult emotions.

  • It’s ok to have difficult thoughts.

  • You are not being negative. You are processing and adapting to a new way of living. 

Using mindfulness to deal with the tough stuff will help you develop more resilience and be more self-aware - an essential part of emotional intelligence.

I hope no matter where you’re at right now, you understand that how you’re feeling will change. Your situation will change. Things will change. We will all get through this together. I hope we will get through this with a greater understanding of how interconnected we all are.

If there’s any way you think I can help you from afar, please drop me a note. Take care.

Want more resources? You might enjoy my Mindfulness Toolkit and my Wellbeing Toolkit.

Leadership in the Time of Corona

Some background: I was asked by a few people to share some advice on how leaders can support their teams through the Coronavirus. For those wondering, my background and a big part of my work is people leadership in organisations. I originally shared this advice via my Instagram account, @talentary_

This is general advice and by no means exhaustive. There’s a lot to consider and that’s tough. Feel free to reach out if you’ve got any specific questions.


Now is the time to provide clear, authoritative leadership and to decide on your approach.

You will have to get more comfortable being more instructive and directive than you usually would as your team members are likely to be feeling stressed, confused and unsure about whether it’s safe to be commuting to/from work, working in the office, meeting with clients, etc.

Be educated, informed and empathetic.

Will your office/biz stay open? Can people work from home (WFH)? How?

If you have casual or temporary staff, they will be the most impacted by reduced work hours or business closures. Some people may not be able to WFH. What are the options for them? What support can you offer?

Communicate often and frequently.

Consider how you can support your employees’ mental health.

If you have an employee assistance program (EAP) in place, share those details so people can get help managing anxiety, challenging emotions and thoughts.

Don’t have an EAP? Share mental health resources. If you’re based in Australia, you might find the links in my Wellbeing Toolkit helpful.

Want more leadership resources? I’ve created a Leadership Toolkit just for you.

Building a Meditation Practice

Curious about starting your own meditation practice? Here are some tips to help you on your way.


The clearer you are about why you want to meditate, the easier it will be to commit to your practice and integrate it into your life. Get clear on what your intention is and remind yourself of it often.


If you’re new to meditation, I always suggest starting in an upright seated position on a chair or on the floor.

  • Take the time to ensure your spine and neck are aligned, straight and long

  • Gently draw your shoulders down and away from your ears

  • Place your hands wherever feels comfortable on your lap

  • Let your body be supported and relaxed.

You can meditate with your eyes open or shut, depending on what you feel most comfortable with. Eyes open? Keep a soft, gentle gaze on one spot, e.g. your knees or the floor in front of you. Avoid the temptation to move your eyes around.


I’m a big advocate of starting small with a one-minute meditation everyday, then progressively working your way up to longer meditations.

This approach makes it easy to overcome the “I don’t have time to meditate” obstacle that many new meditators face.


This varies for everyone; the key is dedicating uninterrupted time to yourself and your practice, wherever that makes sense in your schedule.

My favourite time to meditate is in the morning as it sets a good tone for the day and I am more alert than the evening.


You can really meditate anywhere, but when you’re getting started, finding a quiet space where you won’t be interrupted is helpful. Places I’ve meditated: at home, in toilet stalls, on the street, at work, on my yoga mat, in parks, on buses, trains, planes and boats, at events, on mountains and in the dentist’s chair!


“I don’t know how to meditate/I can’t meditate”

Meditation is simple; it’s about bringing attention to how you’re feeling, physically and mentally. It’s the practice itself that can be difficult (see point below) as it requires discipline and perseverance. All good things require work, right?

“Meditation should be relaxing”

Meditation is often marketed as a great way to relax, and whilst some meditation sessions can help us feel that way, the reality is that each meditation experience is different. Some sessions might feel easier or more pleasant than others, some more difficult and uncomfortable; what an apt metaphor for life, really.

The goal of meditation is to sit with, observe and accept whatever you’re experiencing in each moment without trying to change it - whether that be pleasant or unpleasant thoughts or sensations.

“My mind is too busy to meditate”

We all have busy minds. As humans, we’re wired to constantly evaluate our experience based on data we take in from each of our senses. We constantly narrate our life: “What was that noise? Am I safe? I really don’t feel good about how I handled that conversation earlier”, etc.

Thoughts are completely normal in meditation, we all experience them, but the trick is to let them come and go - without judging them - just as your breath comes and goes, or as sensations come and go in your body. Our brains aren’t really designed to be quiet.

Each time a thought pops up, it presents an opportunity to bring your awareness back to the focus of your meditation - that’s the true exercise. Meditation is not about quieting the mind, it’s about connecting and paying attention and being curious about your experience.

“I fall asleep whenever I meditate”

Experiment with different postures (sitting up right instead of lying down), meditating in a different environment or at a different time of day, when your energy levels are higher. If that doesn’t change things, maybe you just need more sleep! If it helps: I’ve fallen asleep in many a meditation class and at least one person falls asleep in every class I teach.


  • When you’re just getting started, it’s often easier to listen to instructions rather than relying on our own internal dialogue. Using an app or a recorded meditation is a great way to start.

  • Attend a meditation class.

  • DIY it with this simple meditation: bring your awareness to the flow of breath entering and leaving your nostrils. Each time a thought or distractions arises, bring your attention back to your breath.


Feel free to drop me a note.


I offer a limited number of one-on-one and workplace meditation sessions. Feel free to reach out for more information.

P.S. If you want to learn more about mindfulness, you might enjoy my Mindfulness Toolkit.